Since the end of 2022, the artificial intelligence startup industry has entered a period of vigorous development. Particularly after OpenAI launched the ChatGPT chatbot, artificial intelligence technology has sparked a wave of startups and investment.

Investment in AI robots

Image Source Note: The image was generated by AI, provided by image licensing service Midjourney

While artificial intelligence can improve efficiency, its construction costs are high. For artificial intelligence startups, a large number of powerful computer chips and cloud storage support are required. Therefore, although artificial intelligence startups are growing rapidly, they obviously need a substantial amount of funding.

According to data from PitchBook, which tracks startups, from April to June, investors injected $27.1 billion into artificial intelligence startups in the United States, accounting for nearly half of the funding for all startups during the same period. U.S. startups raised a total of $56 billion, a 57% increase year-on-year, marking the highest three months in two years. Artificial intelligence startups have attracted a significant amount of capital, becoming a strong counterforce in the current downturn of venture capital. Some AI companies have secured substantial funding, showing investors' favorable views and support for the field.

 Some investors and executives predict that the potential of the artificial intelligence market will exceed that of the smartphone, personal computer, social media, and internet markets, which has sparked a high level of interest and investment enthusiasm among investors in the AI field.