Groq has recently launched a lightning-fast LLM engine on its website, allowing developers to perform quick queries and task execution on large language models directly.


This engine utilizes Meta's open-source Llama3-8b-8192 LLM, supports other models by default, and its speed is stunning. According to test results, Groq's engine can process 1256.54 tokens per second, far surpassing the speed of GPU chips from companies like Nvidia. This has garnered widespread attention from both developers and non-developers, showcasing the speed and flexibility of LLM chatbots.


Groq's CEO, Jonathan Ross, stated that the use of LLMs will increase further as people discover how simple it is to use them on Groq's fast engine. Demonstrations show that tasks like generating job advertisements or modifying article content can be easily completed at this speed. Groq's engine can even perform queries based on voice commands, showcasing its powerful features and user-friendliness.

In addition to providing free LLM workload services, Groq has also offered a console to developers, making it easy to switch applications built on OpenAI to Groq.

This simple switching method has attracted a large number of developers, with over 280,000 people currently using Groq's services. CEO Ross predicts that by next year, more than half of global inference computing will be running on Groq's chips, demonstrating the company's potential and prospects in the AI field.


🚀 Groq releases a lightning-fast LLM engine, processing 1256.54 tokens per second, far outpacing GPU speeds

🤖 Groq's engine demonstrates the speed and flexibility of LLM chatbots, attracting attention from developers and non-developers

💻 Groq offers free LLM workload services, with over 280,000 developers using them, and expects that by next year, more than half of global inference computing will run on its chips