(Site Editor's Home) July 9 News: Poe recently launched an innovative feature called Previews, offering users an unprecedented interactive experience. This feature allows users to directly view and operate web applications generated by AI during chats, marking a new era for AI social interaction.

The core highlight of the Previews feature lies in its intuitiveness and ease of use. Users can view and interact with AI-generated web applications in real-time within the chat interface, just as naturally as having a conversation with a friend. This feature is particularly suitable for large language models (LLMs) skilled in coding, such as Claude3.5Sonnet, GPT-4, and Gemini1.5Pro.

This initiative by the Poe platform not only enhances the quality of interaction between users and AI but also provides ordinary users with the opportunity to access advanced AI programming applications. This could significantly increase the appeal of the Poe platform, especially for those interested in AI technology but lacking professional programming knowledge.