OpenAI Corporation is facing the situation where Microsoft has resigned from the observer seat on the board and Apple no longer holds a similar position. Microsoft had previously invested in OpenAI and enjoyed the right to observe the board, but with the increasing scrutiny by regulatory agencies over investment activities of technology companies, Microsoft decided to withdraw from the observer role.


AI robot interview, negotiation

Image Source Note: The image was generated by AI, and the image licensing service provider is Midjourney

Meanwhile, Apple was originally expected to serve as an observer on the OpenAI board but ultimately was not able to do so. OpenAI has stated that it will continue to maintain communication with partners such as Microsoft and Apple and plans to adopt new strategies to attract key partners.

The withdrawal of Microsoft has sparked speculation about the future development direction of OpenAI, especially in the context of fierce industry competition. The European Union and U.S. antitrust agencies are reviewing the cooperative relationship between Microsoft and OpenAI, which has also raised concerns about the valuation of OpenAI and the safety of Microsoft's multi-billion-dollar investment. Although Microsoft has withdrawn from the board, it remains an important partner to OpenAI, and both entities work closely together, with Microsoft providing OpenAI with tens of billions of dollars in computing power and cloud storage support.

The board members of OpenAI include former U.S. Treasury Secretary Larry Summers and Instacart CEO Fidji Simo, among others, with Salesforce former co-CEO Bret Taylor serving as the chairperson. Although Microsoft and OpenAI have been reducing the public display of their cooperative relationship, their relationship has been closely watched due to increasing antitrust concerns. In the future, OpenAI will continue to maintain contact with partners like Microsoft, striving to seek more strategic cooperative opportunities.

Key Points:

⭐ Microsoft's resignation from the observer position on the OpenAI board has sparked speculation about the future development direction of OpenAI

⭐ The European Union and U.S. antitrust agencies are investigating the cooperative relationship between Microsoft and OpenAI, raising concerns about the safety of the partnership

⭐ OpenAI plans to adopt new strategies to attract key partners and maintain close contacts with partners like Microsoft