Recently, online marketplace Etsy shared the latest updates on the sales of products generated by artificial intelligence, and announced the continuation of its plan to "support artists through the development of art." The platform will allow sellers to disclose their use of artificial intelligence in the descriptions of their item listings, selling artworks sourced from original prompts or AI tools.

Etsy acknowledges the inevitable progress and integration of artificial intelligence tools (including editing software) in the creative process. The platform states, "When artists use these AI tools, they still make creative decisions and contributions to guide the AI and carefully plan the output, to create unique products for sale."

AI Painting Abstract Art (1)

Image Source Note: The image is generated by AI, provided by image authorization service Midjourney

However, Etsy explicitly stated that it will not allow the sale of AI prompt packages, as it believes this goes beyond the boundaries of creativity. The company pointed out in a blog post, "We believe that prompts used to generate AI art are an indispensable part of the creative process and should not be sold separately from the final artwork."

Etsy emphasizes that these guidelines may be adjusted as considerations for the ethics of artificial intelligence and its environmental impact continue to develop.