CNN has announced the layoff of 100 employees, accounting for 3% of its total workforce. CEO Mark Thompson views this decision as part of the company's modernization and transition towards video content.

In an internal memo, Thompson emphasizes that the future strategy includes accelerating the shift towards video content, and plans for strategic advancement in the field of artificial intelligence to better serve viewers and achieve news objectives.


Although Thompson did not delve into specific artificial intelligence plans, the mention of it shows CNN's ambition in adopting new technologies. He noted in the memo, "We are in a revolution of news and television consumption. For me, the right way to deal with this revolution is not to despair but to adapt and innovate."

Currently, although CNN's specific AI strategy is still unclear, this move demonstrates the media giant's leadership and influence in the news and broadcasting industry. With media companies exploring artificial intelligence, especially alongside large-scale layoffs and the application of AI, the response from both inside and outside the industry has been strong.

CNN's strategic transformation, particularly the exploration into artificial intelligence, shows the media industry's foresight and leadership in responding to future challenges and opportunities.

Key Points:

⚙️ CNN has announced the layoff of 100 employees, representing 3% of the total staff, with CEO Mark Thompson stating that this is part of the company's modernization and shift towards video content.

🤖 The company's internal memo reveals CNN's plan for a strategic push in artificial intelligence to provide a more effective news experience for viewers and achieve news objectives.

📉 Although the specific plans are not yet clear, CNN's move shows the media industry's exploration and innovation in responding to the transformation of news and television consumption.