Recently, Luobo Kuai Pao Company has launched its 6th generation of autonomous vehicles, marking another significant advancement in autonomous driving technology. This model has successfully integrated with Baidu ApolloADFM's large-scale model, which is the world's first large model supporting L4-level autonomous driving technology.

Baidu is confident in the safety of this generation of autonomous vehicles, claiming that the autonomous driving system reconstructed based on the large-scale model technology is more than 10 times safer than human drivers, and its safety level can even be compared to the domestically produced C919 large aircraft. This statement not only demonstrates Baidu's ambition in autonomous driving technology but also reflects its firm commitment to passenger safety.

Baidu's Autonomous Driving Car, Apollo RT6

For further passenger safety assurance, Baidu Apollo has insured each autonomous vehicle and passenger with up to 5 million yuan. According to the past two years of operational data, the actual accident rate of Luobo Kuai Pao's autonomous vehicles is only 1/14 of human drivers, which fully proves its excellent performance in safety.

Baidu Apollo's autonomous driving technology has accumulated more than 100 million kilometers of driving distance and has not experienced any major fatality accidents during this process, a record that is rare in the autonomous driving field.

It is particularly noteworthy that Baidu Luobo Kuai Pao, relying on its autonomous driving large-scale model, has successfully coped with the complex road conditions in Wuhan, achieving full coverage of autonomous driving services in the city, both in terms of space and time. This has provided safe and convenient autonomous travel services to nearly half of Wuhan citizens.