Microsoft announced today that Microsoft Edge and other Chromium-based browsers will support copying and pasting SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) files through the Async Clipboard API. This significant breakthrough will significantly enhance user experience and web development efficiency.

SVG format has always been the preferred choice for web graphics due to its high-quality visual effects and the ability to scale losslessly. However, web applications face many challenges when dealing with SVG content. The traditional DataTransfer API lacks built-in support for SVG MIME type files, forcing web developers to use complex workaround methods to implement copying and pasting of SVG content.


Microsoft's latest update has completely solved these issues. Starting from version 124 of Microsoft Edge, web applications can now easily implement:

- Copying and pasting SVG files from web to local applications

- Copying and pasting SVG files from local applications to web

- Copying and pasting SVG files between web applications

This feature implementation means that any application, whether local or web, that requires the use of SVG can achieve seamless data exchange.

It is worth noting that Microsoft has not only brought this feature to Edge browsers but also actively promotes the development of industry standards. The company has updated the W3C specification for the clipboard API and contributed the relevant code to the Chromium open-source project, allowing other Chromium-based browsers to benefit as well.

Additionally, Microsoft reminds developers to pay attention to the recently added support for web custom formats, as well as the ability to read uncleaned HTML content in the Async Clipboard API, which will provide possibilities for creating more flexible copy/paste experiences.

This update marks a significant progress in web graphics processing technology, not only simplifying the user's operational process but also providing web developers with more possibilities, which is expected to promote innovative and creative development in the field of network applications and graphic design.