In the field of digital content creation, the technology that can generate videos based on text descriptions has always been a hot research topic. Imagine how exciting it would be if we could clone actions from reference videos and seamlessly apply them to new text descriptions, creating entirely new video content. This is the magic that MotionClone technology achieves.


Although existing Text-to-Video (T2V) generation models have made some progress, challenges remain in the area of motion synthesis. Traditional methods often require training or fine-tuning models to encode motion cues, but these methods often perform poorly when dealing with unseen action types.

MotionClone proposes a framework that requires no training and can directly clone actions from reference videos to control the generation of Text-to-Video. This framework uses a temporal attention mechanism to capture actions from the reference video and introduces primary temporal attention guidance to reduce the impact of noise or minor actions on attention weights. Moreover, to help the generation model synthesize reasonable spatial relationships and enhance its ability to follow prompts, researchers have proposed a position-aware semantic guidance mechanism.

Technical Highlights:

Temporal Attention Mechanism: Retrieves action representations from the reference video through video inversion.

Primary Temporal Attention Guidance: Generates video by utilizing only the main components of temporal attention weights for motion guidance.

Position-aware Semantic Guidance: Utilizes the rough foreground positions in the reference video and the original unclassifier-guided features to guide video generation.

Through extensive experiments, MotionClone has shown excellent capabilities in both global camera actions and local object actions, with significant advantages in motion fidelity, text alignment, and temporal consistency.

The introduction of MotionClone technology brings a revolutionary change to the field of video creation. It not only enhances the quality of video content generation but also greatly improves creative efficiency. As this technology continues to develop and improve, we have every reason to believe that future video creation will be even more intelligent, personalized, and could even realize the vision of 'thinking and getting it'.

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