Recently, Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, has encountered some troubles. His $27 million mansion in San Francisco, located on the famous Lombard Street and boasting 9,500 square feet of space with a panoramic view of the city and the bay, has not brought him the comfortable life he expected but has instead become the source of numerous problems.

One highlight of the mansion is a four-sided infinity pool that hangs off the edge of the house. However, this pool has become a major issue. Last August, the pool leaked, causing the lower level of the home to flood, with the plaster ceiling collapsing and extensive mold growth. According to Altman's legal team, the cost to repair the pool could exceed $4 million.

To make matters worse, the mansion's sewage pipes have also malfunctioned. The lawsuit mentions that the unconnected bathroom drain lines have been dumping untreated sewage onto the ground, and multiple irrigation lines have been leaking, with water seeping through the skylights. These issues not only affect the aesthetics of the mansion but could also have a severe impact on the living environment.

Altman's legal team has filed a lawsuit in San Francisco court against the real estate developer Troon Pacific, accusing them of "misrepresenting the condition of the property," claiming it to be "of the highest quality" with the intent to sell it quickly. The plaintiffs also accuse the developer of failing to hire qualified contractors, some of whom allegedly retaliated by filling the drainage and sewer pipes with contractor bags and debris due to delayed payment.


This is not the first time Troon Pacific has faced issues. In May of this year, the company was ordered to pay investors $50 million due to a San Francisco home renovation project they funded that was never completed, yet the company allegedly profited millions from it.

For now, Altman may have to deal with these inconveniences during the litigation process. Perhaps he could turn to ChatGPT for help in solving some issues—or, even better, for advice on finding a new residence.

### Key Points:

- 🏡 **Mansion Issues**: Sam Altman's San Francisco mansion has problems with a leaking pool and sewage.

- 🌊 **Pool Leak**: The pool leak resulted in flooding on the lower level, plaster ceiling collapse, and mold growth.

- 💩 **Sewage Pipes**: Unconnected bathroom drain lines have been dumping untreated sewage onto the ground, and irrigation lines are also leaking.