Recently, a research team from Peking University and Peng Cheng Laboratory has introduced a new 3D scene generation framework called HoloDreamer, which aims to generate immersive and complete 3D scenes from users' textual descriptions.

This framework consists of two core modules: the first is the "Stylized Isometric Panorama Generation," which can create high-quality panoramas based on user prompts; the second is the "Enhanced Two-Stage Panorama Reconstruction," which quickly reconstructs panoramas using 3D Gaussian splatting technology to ensure consistent scene perspectives.


In the current virtual reality, gaming, and film industries, the demand for 3D scene generation is growing. Leveraging powerful text-to-image diffusion models, it is now possible to generate 3D scenes from simple text descriptions. This groundbreaking progress will drive research into text-driven 3D scene generation.

Previous methods often used image expansion to generate scenes, which could lead to inconsistencies and incompleteness in the scenes. HoloDreamer, however, generates high-definition panoramas as the initial foundation for the entire 3D scene, then quickly reconstructs the 3D scene using 3D Gaussian splatting technology, resulting in consistent and complete 3D scenes.

Specifically, the "Stylized Isometric Panorama Generation" module of the framework combines multiple diffusion models to generate stylized and detailed panoramas based on complex text prompts. Additionally, the framework employs a loop blending technique to avoid cracks that may appear during panorama rotation. The "Enhanced Two-Stage Panorama Reconstruction" module then estimates depth, projects RGBD data to obtain point cloud information.


By preparing two types of cameras in different scenes, the research team can supervise image sets at different stages of 3D Gaussian splatting optimization, thus optimizing the final reconstructed scene.

After comprehensive experiments, HoloDreamer has surpassed previous research in terms of visual consistency, harmony, and the quality of reconstruction and rendering robustness. This innovative framework is expected to play an important role in various applications in the future, bringing richer 3D scene experiences.

Key Points:

🌟 HoloDreamer is a new 3D scene generation framework that generates complete 3D scenes from textual descriptions.

🖼️ The framework includes two modules: Stylized Panorama Generation and Enhanced Panorama Reconstruction, ensuring high quality and consistency of the generated results.

🚀 HoloDreamer has performed excellently in experiments, surpassing previous 3D generation methods, providing new solutions for virtual reality and gaming fields.