In the era of information explosion, we are constantly seeking answers every day. The Jike App has finally pressed the innovation button, launching an AI search feature based on the Small Universe - "Ask the Small Universe." This is not just a search tool but a collision of voices and knowledge.

"Ask the Small Universe" differs from traditional text searches, focusing on the deep mining of voice content. When you input a keyword, it not only provides a summary but also recommends individual audio episodes related to the theme.


For instance, if I type in "Who can win the European Cup," it not only analyzes the favorites for the championship but also provides detailed information on the main contenders and dark horse teams of the European Cup. On the right, it also recommends individual audio episodes related to the European Cup, covering all aspects. It's like having an intelligent voice assistant ready to provide in-depth discussions and unique insights at any time.

However, when I searched for "Who came up with retiring at 65," its response mentioned that our country is expected to achieve retirement at 65 for both men and women by 2055. Clearly, its data is not up to date and has not been updated with recent information.


The "retro" color scheme of the interface is one of the distinctive features of "Ask the Small Universe." Every time I input a keyword and search, I get the feeling of using an old desktop computer from decades ago.

"Ask the Small Universe" also shines with its personalized recommendation feature. Based on the user's search habits and preferences, the AI intelligently recommends related audio content. Each search could be a new discovery, an unknown field.

The Jike App boasts a vast amount of audio content, and not utilizing this great data source for search would be a waste. The launch of "Ask the Small Universe" is a deep mining and intelligent application of this data. It enriches and diversifies search results, making them more aligned with user needs.

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