The Hangzhou Municipal Government recently released the "Several Measures to Support the High-Quality Development of the Artificial Intelligence Full-Industry Chain," aiming to seize the new opportunities in the development of artificial intelligence and build a national highland for the AI industry. These measures focus on five aspects: the construction of computing power facilities, the development of an open ecosystem, empowering the real economy, the full-industry chain development, and the support of talent teams, proposing 14 specific initiatives.


It is reported that Hangzhou will support technological breakthroughs in computing power, increase financial subsidy support, and expand the issuance of "computing power vouchers" for computing power facility construction. At the same time, Hangzhou will increase the financial subsidy support, encouraging enterprises to participate in the construction of intelligent computing centers. Additionally, Hangzhou will support the demonstration of new industrial applications. Specific support policies are as follows:

Accelerate the Construction of Computing Power Facilities

Support technological breakthroughs in computing power. Encourage enterprises to conduct research and development in key computing power technologies, providing city-level support according to relevant policies. Encourage enterprises to undertake national and provincial key R&D tasks, accelerate the formation of significant research achievements, and provide funding support for projects that meet the policy criteria, up to 25% of the actual funding received from the national and provincial levels, with a cap of 5 million yuan.

Increase financial subsidy support. For new computing infrastructure projects (with a total investment of no less than 50 million yuan) included in the government's unified layout, encourage cooperative banks to set up preferential interest rate credit funds to provide loans for computing infrastructure projects, supporting mortgage financing for computing facilities. Financial funds will provide interest subsidies, selecting projects based on the cooperative bank's preferential interest rates and providing up to 1.5 percentage points of interest subsidy, not exceeding 50% of the interest paid by the project construction unit to the cooperative bank, with a cap of 10 million yuan per enterprise annually. Support eligible computing projects to apply for policy-driven and development financial instruments, and actively strive to issue real estate investment trusts (REITs) in the infrastructure sector.

Expand the Issuance of "Computing Power Vouchers." The annual total of "computing power vouchers" will be increased to 250 million yuan, supporting enterprises to purchase intelligent computing power from intelligent computing centers that meet Hangzhou's planning layout and partners included in the computing power matchmaking. "Computing power vouchers" will provide user enterprises with a subsidy of no more than 30% of the computing power contract fees, with specific rates depending on the type of computing power facility used. Single enterprises can apply for no more than 8 million yuan in "computing power vouchers" annually, with flexibility for enterprises using generative multimodal basic large models.

Cultivate Model Open Ecosystem

Support model compliance filing. Encourage enterprises to file their self-developed models, providing a one-time reward of up to 500,000 yuan for enterprises that obtain the generative artificial intelligence model filing from the Central Cyberspace Administration. (Responsible units: Municipal Cyberspace Administration, Municipal Economic and Information Bureau)

Support model open source community construction. Strengthen the cultivation of the model open source ecosystem, supporting open source communities to release open source models, provide model services (MaaS), develop model agents, build an AI talent exchange platform, regularly release a list of industrial "opportunities" focusing on AI applications, organize high-level talent in the AI field to participate in "hero projects," and promote industrial transformation. For development enterprises with high model download volumes, leading model performance rankings, and high community contribution, select up to 10 enterprises based on their contributions and provide rewards ranging from 200,000 to 1 million yuan.

Accelerate Empowering the Real Economy

Support the construction of public innovation platforms. Encourage AI to empower provincial manufacturing innovation centers, enhancing R&D, pilot production, and testing capabilities. Accelerate the application of basic large models in industries, focus on the cultivation of future industrial sub-sectors, and promote AI technology to empower key common technology research, scientific equipment development, and pilot platform construction. For future industrial municipal manufacturing innovation centers recognized, with a core leading R&D team and an investment of no less than 10 million yuan, provide annual funding support for platform construction, frontier or common technology R&D, and demonstration application projects, up to 50% of the confirmed investment, with a cap of 5 million yuan, for up to 3 years during the policy period.

Support the demonstration of new industrial applications. Promote the innovative application of AI technology in manufacturing sub-sectors, and deepen the supply-demand match between AI and manufacturing. Collect a number of AI large model demonstration applications and solutions in manufacturing sub-sectors, encourage the formation of typical applications and promotion cases, and annually select up to 5 outstanding first-time applications for rewards, with a cap of 5 million yuan.

Key Points:

- 🤖 Hangzhou Municipal Government releases "Several Measures to Support the High-Quality Development of the Artificial Intelligence Full-Industry Chain"

- 🏭 Support new industrial application demonstrations, with annual rewards for up to 5 outstanding first-time applications

- 💰 Expand the issuance of "computing power vouchers," increasing the annual total to 250 million yuan, supporting enterprises to purchase intelligent computing power in line with Hangzhou's planning layout