The 2024 Paris Olympics is set to fully embrace artificial intelligence technology, marking a significant stage for technological innovation in this major sporting event. Thomas Bach, President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), has stated that AI will play a crucial role in various fields, including safeguarding athletes from cyber threats, enhancing broadcast experiences, and optimizing energy management.

Behind the scenes, a technology team led by Atos is utilizing AI-driven digital twin technology to streamline operational planning. This innovation will ensure the smooth conduct of events by simulating venue scenarios and optimizing resource allocation. Ilario Corna, the IOC's Chief Technology Officer, emphasized that new AI initiatives will protect athletes from cyberbullying and provide rapid information services through the Athlete365 platform.

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Image source note: The image was generated by AI, authorized by the image service provider Midjourney

In the broadcasting sector, Olympic Broadcasting Services (OBS) has partnered with Alibaba Cloud to employ AI technology to enhance replay systems and provide real-time data analysis, enriching coverage of 21 events. This not only elevates the viewer experience but also reduces environmental impact through cloud-based transmission.

To attract younger audiences, the IOC has approved the creation of the Olympic Esports Week, with the inaugural event scheduled for 2025 in Saudi Arabia. This marks the Olympics' proactive adaptation to the digital era while maintaining traditional values.

In terms of audience engagement, Comcast has introduced the "Paris Passport" program, allowing Xfinity customers to earn digital passport stamps and rewards by watching Olympic live broadcasts and participating in interactive quizzes. This innovative engagement method showcases the Olympics' commitment to digital transformation.

The Paris Organizing Committee has also placed special emphasis on the environmental impact of digital technology. They have implemented a series of measures, including leasing over 70% of equipment, committing to 100% recycling of purchased items, and integrating eco-design principles into software development. These initiatives highlight the Olympics' commitment to sustainability.

With the widespread application of artificial intelligence and digital technology, the 2024 Paris Olympics will not only be a spectacular sporting event but also demonstrate how technological innovation drives the development of global sports competitions, setting new standards for future Olympics.