ViPer is an innovative image generation tool that provides a personalized approach to image creation for Stable Diffusion, similar to Midjourney. The core of this technology lies in its ability to learn and remember users' artistic preferences, thereby generating images that align with their aesthetic tastes.

The interaction with ViPer begins with users commenting on a series of images. Users can express their preferences for certain visual elements, such as "soft colors," "hazy light," and "dreamlike atmosphere," while also pointing out elements they dislike, such as "bright and glaring colors" and "modern style."


ViPer's intelligent system carefully analyzes these comments and extracts key visual preference attributes. For example, if a user leans towards a dreamlike style, the system will identify "soft colors," "dreamlike atmosphere," and a dislike for "modern style."

When generating new images, ViPer uses these preferences as guiding principles. It not only considers the explicitly expressed likes of the user but also avoids using elements that the user dislikes. Therefore, the generated images will尽可能 reflect the user's personalized visual style. For instance, if a user favors a dreamlike style, ViPer might create an image depicting a pastoral scene with soft hues or a scene filled with a dreamy, ethereal atmosphere.

This personalized image generation method offers users a novel artistic creation experience. It not only satisfies users' pursuit of specific styles but also stimulates their creativity, helping them explore and discover new artistic possibilities. Through ViPer, each user can create unique visual works based on their preferences.

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