Google today unveiled its latest artificial intelligence creation, Gemini1.5Pro, and made the experimental "version0801" available for early testing and feedback through Google AI Studio and the Gemini API.

The new model quickly topped the prestigious LMSYS Chatbot Arena leaderboard (built by Gradio), with an impressive ELO score of 1300. This achievement puts Gemini1.5Pro ahead of formidable competitors like OpenAI's GPT-4o (ELO: 1286) and Anthropic's Claude-3.5Sonnet (ELO: 1271).

Key figure at the Gemini team, Simon Tokumine, celebrated this release in a post on, calling it "the strongest and smartest Gemini we've built." Early user feedback supports this claim, with a Redditor describing the model as "insanely good" and hoping its capabilities won't be diminished.


New Features of Gemini1.5Pro

Gemini1.5Pro has demonstrated formidable strength across numerous tasks. According to LMSYS data, the model excels in multilingual tasks and also performs strongly in technical areas such as mathematics, complex prompts, and coding. It also leads the visual leaderboard at LMSYS, highlighting its multimodal capabilities.


This release builds on the foundation of Gemini1.5, launched by Google in February, with a notable feature of its extensive context window, spanning up to 2 million tokens, far exceeding many competitive models. This allows Gemini1.5Pro to process and reason over large amounts of information, including lengthy documents, extensive codebases, and extended audio or video content.

The enhanced capabilities of Gemini1.5Pro could transform operations in data analysis, software development, and customer interactions for businesses. The model's ability to handle complex multimodal inputs with high precision opens up new possibilities for automation and decision support across various industries.

Google's decision to conduct early testing of Gemini1.5Pro reflects the growing trend in the AI industry towards open development and community engagement. By soliciting feedback from developers and users, Google aims to refine the model further and address potential issues before broader promotion.

The launch of Gemini1.5Pro represents a significant move in the ongoing AI race, where tech giants and startups are vying for dominance. Its performance across various tasks indicates that Google is making substantial progress in developing more general and powerful AI systems.

Official Blog:

Key Points:

  1. 🚀 Google introduces AI Gemini1.5Pro, leading in the rankings over competitors.
  2. 💪 The model excels in multiple tasks, featuring multimodal capabilities and a wide context window.
  3. ⚖️ The release sparks discussions on AI development and societal impacts, with Google seeking feedback to refine the model.