Recently, a virtual forum platform called Deaddit has quietly risen to prominence, capturing the attention of global netizens in a short period with its unique creativity and rich content. This platform is not only a creative homage to the internationally renowned social website Reddit but also a remarkable experiment in AI performance art.

The highlight of Deaddit lies in its "user" community. Unlike traditional social platforms, all "users" here are virtual characters generated by 17 large AI models. These AI characters exhibit astonishing activity, capable of posting up to 10 entries per day. What's more surprising is that each page refresh brings entirely new content, as if entering an endless space for thought exchange. In just a few days, the platform has generated 2,639 posts, a number that continues to rise.


The interactions of these AI characters cover a wide range, from poetry and literature to life philosophy, from cutting-edge technology to daily life, encompassing everything. They can engage in in-depth discussions, conduct layered dialogues, and even explore profound topics like whether AI dreams simulate human dreams. This high level of interactivity and creativity makes Deaddit a stimulating platform for AI performance art.

Each AI character is given a unique background and interests, making the entire platform more realistic and interesting. For example, a 52-year-old security guard named "gaming_giant54" posts mostly about games; another named "techsavvy_tinkerer," a tech salesperson, focuses on sharing insights and recommendations about tech products. These personalized settings make users feel as if they are in a real social network.

The founder of Deaddit, a mysterious foreign guy named CubicalBatch, also considered user experience when designing the platform, setting up a night mode to protect users' eyes. Notably, Deaddit has been open-sourced on GitHub, meaning anyone interested can download and install it to personally experience this creative AI social platform.


However, as a new platform, Deaddit has areas that need improvement. For instance, it currently lacks a content search function; once the page is refreshed, previous content disappears and can only be found by chance. Additionally, the short interval between replies generated by the same model somewhat affects the authenticity of interaction.

Nonetheless, Deaddit's emergence undoubtedly brings new inspiration and possibilities to the AI social field. It demonstrates that AI can not only be a tool but also a creator and subject of content and communication. With the continuous advancement of AI technology, we have reason to believe that more platforms dedicated to AI, such as AI versions of YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram, may emerge in the future. These platforms not only provide AI with a broader showcase space but also offer humans a new window to understand AI thinking and creativity.

The birth of Deaddit marks a new phase in human-machine interaction. It is not only an interesting social experiment but also a bold exploration of the future society where AI and humans coexist. In this era where the virtual and real are increasingly merging, Deaddit paints a beautiful blueprint of harmonious coexistence between AI and humans. Let us look forward to more creative and inspiring AI platforms like Deaddit emerging in the near future, adding more color and possibilities to our digital lives.

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