Recently, Michal Kosinski, a psychologist from Stanford University, has garnered significant attention for claiming that his artificial intelligence (AI) technology can accurately determine a person's IQ, sexual orientation, and political leanings solely by scanning their face. This revelation has sparked lively discussions in society.

AI, Artificial Intelligence, Robots, Digital Humans

Image Source Note: The image was generated by AI, provided by the image licensing service Midjourney

Kosinski stated in a report that his research is not only a scientific exploration but also a warning about the misuse of facial recognition technology in today's society. His AI model demonstrated astonishing accuracy in a study, predicting a person's political beliefs in 72% of cases, compared to a human accuracy rate of only 55%. This raises questions about how facial recognition technology will impact our lives in the future.

However, despite Kosinski's intention to warn policymakers about the potential dangers of these technologies, such findings seem to inspire some for nefarious purposes. He mentioned a study conducted in collaboration with others in 2017, which showed that AI could predict a person's sexual orientation with 91% accuracy, sparking strong opposition from human rights organizations. They fear that such technology could be used to discriminate against the LGBTQ+ community.

In real-life situations, facial recognition technology has already caused negative impacts. For example, some retailers mistakenly flagged minority customers as thieves, and there have been cases of innocent people wrongly accused of violent crimes. Although Kosinski's research serves as a warning, it also feels like providing a "manual" for those who wish to disrupt others' lives.

As facial recognition technology becomes more widespread, we must take seriously its implications for privacy and civil liberties. Kosinski's research indeed serves as a wake-up call for us.

Key Points:

1. 🤖 Kosinski claims his AI can identify IQ, sexual orientation, and political inclinations through facial recognition with an accuracy rate of 72%.

2. ⚠️ The research raises ethical concerns and could be exploited for malicious purposes, particularly the risk of discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community.

3. 🛑 Facial recognition technology has already led to multiple negative incidents in real life, necessitating urgent attention to the protection of privacy and civil rights.