AI-generated content has become ubiquitous in our lives. However, a recent video of an AI "mishap" unexpectedly went viral, garnering nearly 20 million views and shedding light on the complex attitudes people hold towards AI technology.

A video shared by X blogger "greg," created by designer Pierrick Chevallier using Runway Gen-3, stirred significant controversy on social media platforms. The video featured a series of astonishing transitions: a couple in harmony suddenly transformed into a bizarre six-legged, two-headed "alien" puppy, which then split into two normal dogs. Finally, the scene abruptly shifted again, with the dogs turning into an unfamiliar man and woman, and the male lead inexplicably becoming an elderly man with white hair.

This 10-second video showcased the "out-of-control" aspect of AI image generation technology, eliciting strong reactions from netizens. Many expressed that they couldn't bear to watch the eerie scenes but were simultaneously captivated by the peculiar imagination it displayed. Interestingly, the creator of the video, Chevallier, was also surprised by this rare "human-to-dog" mishap and even suggested keeping it as a "collectible."

In fact, AI-generated content "mishaps" are not new. Similar errors were common in the early stages of AI technology development, with the most well-known perhaps being the "Will Smith eating noodles" video. However, as AI video tools have continued to advance and mature, such "mishaps" have become increasingly rare. Major AI companies are striving to achieve fine detail and realism in generated content, aiming to create "photorealistic" images.


Interestingly, against this backdrop of pursuit of perfection, netizens have begun to reminisce and look forward to seeing AI "mishaps." Among Chevallier's many AI-generated videos, even amusing scenes like "Thor drinking coffee" only garnered 10,000 views, while this "mishap" video received nearly 1 million views, demonstrating its significant appeal.

This phenomenon reflects the complex psychology of the public towards AI technology. On one hand, people marvel at AI's increasingly refined capabilities; on the other hand, there is a莫名 sense of fear and curiosity about the unknown and uncontrollable aspects of AI. Seeing AI "make a fool of itself" seems to provide a balance point, allowing people to appreciate AI's creativity while also deriving a peculiar pleasure and comfort from its mistakes.

This viral video not only showcases the current limitations of AI technology but also reveals subtle changes in public attitudes towards AI. While pursuing technological advancement, we may also need to maintain a sense of humor and an open mindset, appreciating the unexpected "surprises" in the AI creation process. After all, it is these "imperfections" that allow us to more deeply understand the nuanced relationship between AI and human creativity.