OpenAI has announced that free users of ChatGPT can now generate up to two images per day using the DALL-E3 model. The introduction of this new feature truly expands the creative possibilities for a wide range of users.


When DALL-E3 was first unveiled last month, it was exclusively available to paid users of ChatGPT Plus. This time, free users can finally experience this powerful image generation tool. A significant improvement of DALL-E3 is its ability to utilize prompts generated by ChatGPT to create images, making it easier for users to get started. For instance, DALL-E3 can design exquisite images based on simple text descriptions according to user needs.

During a demonstration event, Aditya Ramesh, the head of the DALL-E team at OpenAI, showcased this feature. He used ChatGPT to brainstorm a logo design for a mountain area noodle shop, and then DALL-E generated four different options. This process was not only quick but also yielded very appealing results, fully demonstrating the power of DALL-E3.

Now, OpenAI states that this feature is being rolled out gradually, and some users may already be able to experience it. While writing this article, I successfully generated two images through the ChatGPT Mac application and then received a notification that I had reached my daily limit. This convenient experience will undoubtedly inspire more creators.

In addition to the new features of DALL-E3, OpenAI also released a safety assessment of its GPT-4o model today and added a new member to its board. Meanwhile, CEO Sam Altman received a letter from Democratic members of Congress requesting a response to OpenAI's safety record. It can be said that OpenAI has been very busy today and is definitely worth paying attention to!

Key Points:

🌟 Free users of ChatGPT can generate two DALL-E3 images daily!  

🎨 DALL-E3 makes image creation simpler by using prompts generated by ChatGPT.  

📅 This feature is being rolled out gradually, and some users can already experience it.