Recently, Verizon announced a new technology aimed at preventing accidental network outages through artificial intelligence. As many may know, during construction or home renovations, some individuals inadvertently cut buried fiber-optic lines. Such incidents occur thousands of times annually, causing significant inconvenience to businesses and those working from home.

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Image source note: The image was generated by AI, provided by the image licensing service Midjourney

Although Verizon's technicians can resolve some issues within a few hours, network outages can sometimes last for days, impacting users' work and personal life, and potentially leading to economic losses.

To mitigate this issue, Verizon has taken a proactive approach rather than a reactive one. They have integrated the nationwide "Call Before You Dig" program of 811, which helps companies and households understand the distribution of critical underground lines before digging. By dialing 811 and informing them of the intended digging location, staff will mark the line positions on-site within three to twelve working days.

However, relying solely on traditional methods is insufficient. Verizon uses artificial intelligence technology to analyze these excavation requests to identify potential risks. The 811 system receives over 10 million excavation requests annually, making manual review cumbersome. Often, due to long wait times, people may skip marking and proceed with digging, increasing the risk of line cuts.

Verizon's AI system analyzes historical data and current activities, combining the behavior of diggers on-site to predict which lines might be at risk. If a company has a history of cutting lines or similar incidents have occurred at a location, the system will issue an early warning and take additional measures to communicate with the construction parties.

Julie Slattery, Senior Vice President at Verizon, reminds everyone to call 811 before digging. "This is the simplest step to reduce the risk of underground fiber damage and helps us maintain connections with customers and emergency responders."

Key Points:

1. 📞 Verizon uses AI technology to identify and prevent risks of accidental fiber-optic line cuts in advance.

2. 🚧 The 811 "Call Before You Dig" program helps users understand underground line locations, reducing accidents during construction.

3. ⏳ The 811 system receives over 10 million excavation requests annually, and Verizon optimizes response efficiency through data analysis.