Recently, the renowned AI development platform Hugging Face announced the acquisition of XetHub, a data storage and collaboration startup founded by former Apple engineers. This move is set to bring more convenience to AI developers and accelerate the democratization of artificial intelligence once again!

XetHub's journey began in 2021, founded by former Apple engineers Yucheng Low, Rajat Arya, and Ajit Banerjee. This dynamic team, with a vision to simplify the process of building machine learning and AI applications, quickly gained recognition in the industry. Last year, they secured $7.5 million in funding from Madrona Ventures, laying the foundation for the company's rapid growth.

XetHub CEO Yucheng Low enthusiastically stated on LinkedIn: "Our shared vision is to democratize artificial intelligence, enabling everyone to host, share, and build models and datasets. At Hugging Face, we will continue to pursue this vision, integrating our technology into the Hugging Face Hub to create the future of AI collaboration."


As the protagonist of this acquisition, Hugging Face, headquartered in New York, has already established a strong influence in the AI development field. Their development tools have helped numerous companies test, store, and run large-scale AI models that require significant computational and storage capabilities. Just a year ago, Hugging Face raised $235 million in a D round of funding, reflecting investors' confidence in its prospects. In June of this year, they acquired another development tool startup called Argilla for $10 million, further expanding their technical prowess.

Although Hugging Face did not disclose the specific acquisition amount, they emphasized that this is the largest acquisition in the company's history. This acquisition is not just about technical integration but also about the convergence of talent. The 14 employees of XetHub will join the Hugging Face team, injecting new innovative power into the company.

This acquisition is not an isolated case but reflects the overall trend in the AI industry. With the continuous surge in AI popularity, we are seeing more and more small AI startups and their executives being acquired by larger companies. This not only reflects the huge demand for data storage and computing brought about by AI development but also indicates that the trend of industry consolidation is accelerating.

As XetHub co-founder Rajat Arya said: "So far, this AI capability has been limited to large companies, but we will increasingly see every business adopting AI." With the strong alliance of Hugging Face and XetHub, we have reason to believe that AI development will become more convenient, and the democratization of artificial intelligence will be further accelerated.