Recently, the International Policing and Public Protection Institute at Anglia Ruskin University released a report revealing a rapid increase in the demand for AI-generated images of child sexual abuse on the dark web. The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of how online criminals are using artificial intelligence technology to create child pornography materials.

Elementary School Students, School, Children (1)

Image Source Note: The image was generated by AI, provided by the image licensing service Midjourney

Researchers Dr. Deanna Davey and Professor Sam Londonderry Root analyzed chat records from dark web forums over the past 12 months and found a growing interest in AI technology among online criminals, who are also eager to learn how to create new abusive images. Dr. Davey noted, "We are indeed aware that AI-generated child pornography is a rapidly growing issue, but we need to understand more about how these criminals create them, the extent of their distribution, and the impact on criminal pathways."

The study shows that members of dark web forums are actively teaching themselves how to create AI-generated child pornography materials, learning through online guides and videos, and sharing their advice and experiences on the forums. The analysis also shows that these members use their existing non-AI-generated images and videos as a learning base, while also expecting this technology to continue developing to make it easier to create such materials. Some members even refer to these AI image creators as "artists."

Dr. Davey added that a significant risk associated with using AI to generate such materials is the huge challenge it poses for law enforcement agencies in understanding, coding, and responding to the materials they discover. "We must recognize that AI-generated images are not 'harmless'; many criminals are using real images of children for manipulation, and the demand for 'hardcore' images is gradually increasing," said Professor Londonderry Root. The analyzed conversations also indicate that the production of this type of child pornography material is on the rise due to the extensive sharing of AI usage advice and guidance, leading to an increase in criminal activity.

This phenomenon reflects an escalating global threat of online child abuse, which must be given sufficient attention to combat this type of crime.

Key Points:

🌐 The study found a rapid increase in demand for AI-generated child pornography images on the dark web.

📚 Criminals are self-teaching how to create these materials through online resources and sharing experiences on forums.

🚨 Many mistakenly believe that AI-generated images are "harmless," but in reality, this technology exacerbates the real harm to children.