IncarnaMind is an AI model capable of interactive chat with multiple documents and precise information retrieval. It not only understands document content but also dynamically adjusts information retrieval methods based on user needs, providing a new interactive experience with documents.

IncarnaMind employs an innovative sliding window chunking technology that dynamically adjusts the size and position of the retrieval window based on the complexity of the document content and user query requirements. Compared to traditional fixed-block-size retrieval augmented generation (RAG) methods, IncarnaMind better balances the acquisition of comprehensive contextual information with fine details.


IncarnaMind supports multi-hop queries, capable of processing multiple documents simultaneously, breaking the limitation of traditional AI models that could only query one document at a time. This capability provides users with more comprehensive and integrated data information, greatly enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of information retrieval.

IncarnaMind supports various large language models, including but not limited to OpenAI's GPT series, Anthropic's Claude, and open-source large language models (LLMs) like Llama2. This broad compatibility allows IncarnaMind to meet the needs of different users and provide more personalized services.

Key Features:

Adaptive Chunking: IncarnaMind's sliding window chunking technology dynamically adjusts window size and position based on data complexity and contextual needs, achieving a balance between fine-grained and coarse-grained data access.

Multi-Document Conversational QA: IncarnaMind supports simple queries and multi-hop queries across multiple documents, enabling users to easily obtain cross-document information.

File Compatibility: IncarnaMind supports PDF and TXT file formats, covering common document types.

LLM Model Compatibility: IncarnaMind supports various open-source large language models including OpenAI GPT, Anthropic Claude, and Llama2.

IncarnaMind, with its advanced technology, powerful compatibility, and user-friendly design, brings a revolutionary change to the field of document processing and information retrieval. It not only enhances work efficiency but also offers users a more intelligent and personalized experience.

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