In this digital age, online dating has become a common way for many to find partners. However, with it comes the proliferation of false information, the most common being the exaggeration of height. Now, this long-standing issue seems to have found an unexpected solution—ChatGPT-4o.

Recently, Justine Moore, a partner at the renowned Silicon Valley venture capital firm a16z, shared an intriguing discovery on social platform X: ChatGPT-4o has become a tool for exposing height exaggerations in online dating. This tweet quickly sparked a heated discussion, garnering over 300,000 views in just a few days, indicating a significant interest in this topic.


The method of use is surprisingly simple. Users only need to upload four photos, and ChatGPT-4o can estimate the height quite accurately by analyzing the proportional relationship between the person in the photos and their surroundings. Even more astonishing is that, according to Justine Moore's testing, the margin of error for this estimate is no more than 1 inch (approximately 2.54 centimeters). This conclusion was drawn by comparing the real heights of ten friends and family members with the AI's estimates.


This discovery has undoubtedly caused a stir in the online dating market. Height has long been a sensitive topic on dating apps, with many exaggerating their height to increase their appeal. Now, the emergence of ChatGPT-4o seems to provide a way for the truth to come out.


However, the application of this technology also raises a series of ethical questions. First, does it infringe on personal privacy? Second, could this practice exacerbate excessive focus on appearance and overlook more important factors such as personality and interests? Furthermore, if this technology is misused, could it lead to a crisis of trust between people?

From another perspective, this function of ChatGPT-4o also reflects the significant advancements in AI technology in image recognition and analysis. This ability to estimate height down to the centimeter demonstrates the impressive potential of AI in handling complex visual information.