Recently, ChatGPT introduced a new version, GPT-4o, with the official account enthusiastically announcing the news. However, the reactions from netizens have been surprisingly calm, with comments filled with confusion, seemingly indifferent to the differences between the new and old versions.

Many regular users of ChatGPT have stated that they have not noticed significant differences between the new and old versions. This lukewarm response has even led some netizens to jest whether OpenAI is "running out of ideas," questioning whether the new model's performance can surpass that of its competitor, Claude-3.5-Sonnet.

In response to the confusion from netizens, the official quickly clarified that GPT-4o is different from the previous API update versions and brought good news: even free users can experience the new version (albeit with limited message quantities).


In the recent popularity of large model IQ tests, both the new and old versions of ChatGPT can correctly answer questions under specific formulations, such as the number of "r"s in the word "Strawberry." However, for the Chinese version, there has been no stable correct answer found yet.

Some entrepreneurs focused on AI writing have noticed that the style of the new version of ChatGPT seems somewhat similar to Claude, a change that began on August 8th. Meanwhile, AI jailbreak expert Pliny has observed that he needs to modify his long-used jailbreak prompts to adapt to the new model, indicating that the new version of ChatGPT has strengthened its protective measures, although these are not foolproof.

Other entrepreneurs have found that the new model's answering style is quite similar to that of the "anonymous-chatbot" in the large model arena, sparking speculation outside of OpenAI about whether they are engaging in a large-scale performance art around the next-generation model, "Strawberry"/Q*.

CEO Altman himself led by posting a photo of strawberries, prompting a collective participation from employees, with veteran employee Tao Xu even arranging real strawberries in the shape of a Q, hinting at the connection between strawberries and Q*. Combined with the news of OpenAI's president taking an extended leave and a co-founder leaving, it seems that significant changes are brewing within OpenAI.