Global image repository giant Getty Images has partnered with tech titan NVIDIA to introduce a cutting-edge AI image generation tool. This is no ordinary upgrade; it represents a significant leap in speed, quality, and accuracy!

The new AI model can generate four images in approximately 6 seconds, doubling the speed of its predecessor! Imagine pressing the shutter and, in the blink of an eye, four high-definition beautiful images appear before you—the speed is almost unbelievable.

Robot Drawing AI Drawing

Image source note: The image is generated by AI, authorized service provider Midjourney

This updated AI model employs NVIDIA's Edify model architecture, part of NVIDIA Picasso. The updates to Edify have brought about significant improvements in output speed and quality, higher accuracy in matching user commands, support for longer command inputs, enhanced 4K image scaling effects, and even the ability to fine-tune the model.

Grant Farhall, Chief Product Officer at Getty Images, stated: "We have always been pushing the boundaries of responsible AI-generated images. This updated model and our upcoming new features will provide our customers with more opportunities to efficiently and safely turn their creative ideas into reality."

The new model also introduces several key features designed to enhance user experience and output quality. These include industry-leading generation speeds, advanced 4K generation details, extended support for detailed commands, support for command inputs up to 250 words, and finer control over output with advanced camera controls such as shooting type and depth of field.

Additionally, Getty Images has launched AI image modification features. These allow users to modify generated AI images and existing pre-shot creative images. Modification options include adding or changing individual elements, expanding the canvas, or removing the background with a single click. These features are currently live on iStock and will soon be available on Getty Images.

Farhall emphasized the benefits of these new features: "The updated model and ongoing AI functionalities are designed to benefit customers across various industries. These advancements provide powerful tools for professionals and enthusiasts to enhance their creative workflows, allowing them to safely and effectively experiment with AI."

It's worth noting that the training source for this updated model is Getty Images' own creative library, which contains high-quality content. This means that the generated AI services do not include trademarks, logos, or other elements protected by third-party intellectual property rights. Furthermore, Getty Images promises indemnification for commercial use, providing further assurance to users.

The company has also introduced a fine-tuning feature, allowing enterprise customers to build customized models by integrating their own brand assets into Getty Images' AI generation model. This feature aims to provide enterprise customers with a more tailored and brand-specific experience.

This updated model release is part of Getty Images' ongoing push to advance the boundaries of AI technology while maintaining a focus on commercial safety and legal protection. Through various brands including iStock and Getty Images, the company aims to provide global customers with powerful and comprehensive content solutions.

Key Points:

🚀 **Ultra-fast Experience**: New AI model generates 4 images in 6 seconds, doubling the speed!

🎨 **Quality Leap**: Adopts NVIDIA Edify architecture, significantly improving image quality and output speed.

🛠️ **Unlimited Creativity**: Introduces AI image modification features, allowing for one-click element changes, canvas expansion, and more creative freedom.

These are the exciting upgrades brought by Getty Images and NVIDIA's collaboration on AI image generation tools. Let's look forward to how it will transform our creative world!