Ant Group's newly established company in Beijing, "Digital Ant Force," is dedicated to applying artificial intelligence technology to enterprise services, driving the development of the AI to B market. The establishment of Digital Ant Force marks a further deepening of Ant Group's presence in the artificial intelligence field, aiming to provide intelligent services to enterprises through technological innovation, and to facilitate their digital transformation and intelligent upgrade.

Digital Ant Force has opened up the mature AI application methodology that Ant Group has accumulated in serving its own business, helping enterprises easily upgrade their management with AI technology. The company offers "end-to-end" services through an AI-native distributed service platform, providing services in a human-machine fusion mode, helping enterprises achieve cost reduction and efficiency improvement.

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Digital Ant Force provides three types of services for intelligent enterprise management: intelligent customer service and marketing services, intelligent operations services, and intelligent technology services. Through a large model in the customer service field, Digital Ant Force offers AI cloud customer service and intelligent marketing, training, and quality inspection services, reducing operating costs and improving efficiency. Intelligent operations services cover intelligent service solutions for legal and compliance processes. Intelligent technology services help enterprises achieve intelligent research and development through the CodeFuse code large model, lowering the threshold for technical research and development and enhancing the availability of technology.

Digital Ant Force's AI human-machine fusion solutions have demonstrated significant results in practice, such as reducing the recruitment cycle for 10,000 employees from 100 days to 0.5 days, achieving over 15% elasticity in customer service scheduling within 10 minutes, and a peak time elasticity of up to 400%, significantly reducing costs and improving service quality and efficiency.

As generative AI and deep learning algorithms continue to improve, AI is becoming an important tool for driving new enterprise service models. Digital Ant Force is committed to addressing the needs and pain points of enterprises in conveniently using AI in their business processes, facilitating their digital transformation and intelligent upgrade.