On August 18th, ZeroOne AI and SF Technology announced a strategic partnership, aiming to explore the deep integration of artificial intelligence with supply chain management. Together, they will advance the intelligent development of supply chain management. This collaboration leverages ZeroOne AI's extensive expertise in large-scale model technology and SF Technology's profound understanding of smart supply chains, aiming to help SF Technology achieve new breakthroughs in the supply chain sector and expand the application of ZeroOne AI's Yi series large models in broader commercial scenarios.

ZeroOne AI, Kai-Fu Lee

In logistics and operational scenarios, ZeroOne AI's Function Call capability is crucial for the performance of large model solutions. This capability allows the large model to directly access the latest data sources, such as real-time traffic information, weather forecasts, and market dynamics, enabling more accurate and timely decision-making. Additionally, Function Call allows the model to integrate with internal enterprise systems or other external services, autonomously completing tasks such as automatically generating shipping orders, adjusting inventory levels, or optimizing delivery routes.

With outstanding model performance, a rich toolkit, and competitive pricing, ZeroOne AI has established partnerships with multiple leading platforms. In June of this year, the Yi API was integrated into Alibaba Cloud's largest AI cloud service platform, BaiLian. Early August saw the Yi API form a strategic partnership with 360, integrating with its AI assistant and being embedded in 360's entire line of browsers. Furthermore, the Yi API has accumulated a number of top-tier paying enterprise customers across various fields including logistics, healthcare, consumer electronics, environmental materials, AI writing, AI programming, and AI translation.