Kunlun Wanwei announced the launch of SkyReals, the world's first AI short-form drama platform, on August 19th, marking the official arrival of the "one person, one drama" era. SkyReals integrates video and 3D large models to automate the entire process of script generation, character customization, storyboard creation, plot development, dialogue/background music, and film synthesis, enabling creators to easily "click to create a drama" and produce high-quality AI videos.

The core advantage of the SkyReals platform lies in its fully automated script generation capability, which can generate a structurally complete and richly plotted script with a single click based on a user's simple creative input, and also supports automatic organization and polishing of existing scripts. Additionally, SkyReals can intelligently generate storyboard images, emotive dialogues, and background music, while offering personalized customization options for character images, voices, and storyboards.

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Technically, the SkyReals platform integrates Kunlun Wanwei's self-developed script large model SkyScript, storyboard large model StoryboardGen, 3D generation large model Sky3DGen, and the industry's first innovative platform WorldEngine that deeply integrates AI3D engines with video large models. The combination of these technologies makes SkyReals superior in script quality, storyboard quality, character performance, and other dimensions compared to other large models.

The launch of the SkyReals platform not only greatly improves the efficiency of video creation and reduces the cost of creation but also promotes the arrival of the "one person, one drama" era. It provides professional content creators with powerful creative tools and also lowers the threshold for AI short drama creation, making it easy for non-professional users to get started.