:Recently, DeepMind, an artificial intelligence research division under Google, has sparked discontent among its employees, primarily due to issues with Google's contracts with the military. According to reports from Time Magazine, at least 200 DeepMind employees signed an internal letter in May expressing concerns about Google's collaboration with military organizations.

Meeting, Conference

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The letter, dated May 16, mentioned that employees were concerned about "Google's contracts with military organizations," especially reports about Google providing artificial intelligence and cloud computing services to the Israeli military. The employees felt that this cooperation not only affected their image as "ethical and responsible AI leaders" but also contradicted Google's mission statement and AI principles.

It is worth noting that while these employees represent a small proportion of DeepMind's total staff, their actions reflect potential cultural conflicts between DeepMind and Google. Google acquired DeepMind in 2014 and promised in 2018 that its technology would never be used for military or surveillance purposes.

As AI technology advances rapidly, issues of ethics and responsibility are receiving increasing attention. This letter indicates that DeepMind employees are uneasy about the company's values and future direction, hoping that Google will re-evaluate its collaborations with the military to ensure the alignment of its mission with its practices.

The employees are calling on Google to be more transparent in its business strategies and to listen to their voices. Such actions have undoubtedly sparked more discussions and attention within the company, and have also piqued external interest in Google's stance in the AI and military fields.

In such a rapidly changing era, technology companies are facing increasing ethical challenges, and finding a balance between commercial interests and social responsibility will be a problem that every tech giant must confront.

Key Points:

🌐 At least 200 DeepMind employees are dissatisfied with Google's military contracts and have initiated an internal protest letter.

⚔️ Employees believe that cooperation with military organizations violates the company's ethical principles and affects its image.

📜 There may be cultural conflicts between DeepMind and Google, and employees are calling for the company to re-evaluate its values.