Harvard University, this world-renowned institution, is currently experiencing a groundbreaking AI revolution. From undergraduates to professors, from classrooms to laboratories, artificial intelligence is permeating every corner of campus life at an unprecedented pace. This revolution is not only transforming the ways of learning and research but also sparking profound reflections on the future. Let's take a closer look at how this AI storm is sweeping through Harvard.

The enthusiasm of students for AI can be aptly described as "insane." According to a survey by the Harvard Undergraduate Association, 87.5% of the respondents are using generative AI, with ChatGPT leading the pack at over 95% usage rate. These figures indicate that AI has become an essential tool for Harvard students in their daily studies.


What are students using AI for? From answering general questions to writing essays and programming, it even seems to have replaced the roles of Wikipedia and Google. Interestingly, a quarter of students have reduced their time spent in office hours and reading materials due to the availability of AI. It seems that AI is not only a study aid but also a "lazy gadget."

However, the advent of AI brings not only convenience but also anxiety. 35% of students worry that peers might gain unfair advantages through AI, while 45% are concerned about AI potentially affecting their future career prospects. Moreover, 40% of students believe that AI could surpass humans in various fields within 30 years, a fear comparable to that of pandemics and nuclear wars.

In response to this situation, Harvard University has proposed a series of measures: providing free AI usage for all students, establishing clear rules for AI use, offering AI-related courses, and even considering psychological counseling for those with "AI phobia."

Professors are also actively embracing AI. From computer science to psychology, from astronomy to economics, professors across various fields are integrating AI into their work. Some use AI to assist in research, others study AI itself, and some even use AI for lesson preparation. For instance, a professor uses ChatGPT to understand complex technical papers, a classic case of "using the enemy's own tactics against them!"

Of course, Harvard is also promoting the development of AI at the institutional level. They have established a dedicated research institute, invested substantial funds, and even seen professors "defect" to tech companies. Although compared to the industry, Harvard's funding might be considered "a drop in the ocean," they are striving to find their place in this AI race.