In 2022, the launch of ChatGPT propelled artificial intelligence (AI) into a global hot topic. Everyone was excitedly predicting that AI would revolutionize our business and lifestyles. However, almost two years have passed, and we can't help but ask: Has AI truly transformed everything as we anticipated?

Artificial Intelligence AI Robot (2)

Image source: Image generated by AI, authorized service provider Midjourney

Limited Adoption Across Industries

According to Forbes, based on a report from the U.S. Census Bureau, the adoption of AI is not as optimistic as we might imagine. While many industries are discussing the potential of AI, actual applications are quite limited. By February 2024, only 5.4% of businesses are using AI, and this figure is expected to reach 6.6% by the fall of 2024. This indicates that the impact of AI remains largely confined to a small scope.

Inapplicability of Generative AI

Among businesses that have not adopted AI, over 80% of respondents stated that AI is not relevant to their business. This suggests that despite extensive discussions about generative AI, many companies have not found a point of integration for AI into their business models.

Minimal Impact on Employment

Another widely-discussed topic is the impact of AI on the job market. Results show that 94.6% of AI-using businesses have not seen changes in their employee numbers. In other words, AI's actual effects in creating or eliminating jobs are very limited. If your company aims to enhance productivity through AI, it might be worth considering how to use AI to augment employee capabilities rather than simply reducing staff numbers.

Organizational Structure Changes

Regarding organizational structures, about 50.5% of AI users reported no significant changes to their organizations. This means that AI is more often used as an adjunct tool in many businesses, rather than a force driving major innovation or change.

Limited Use Cases

The report indicates that AI is primarily applied in specific areas such as marketing automation, virtual assistants, and data analysis. While these applications are important, their scope is relatively narrow. The broad potential for AI application remains underexploited.

In this context, business leaders should seriously consider whether AI is truly suitable for their business, rather than blindly following trends. Conducting small-scale AI pilots, evaluating potential return on investment, or exploring applications of AI in more business areas are all worthwhile considerations.

Key Points:  

💡 **Actual AI applications remain limited, with only 5.4% of businesses using it.**  

🤖 **Over 80% of non-users believe AI is irrelevant to their business.**  

📉 **AI's impact on the job market is minimal, with 94.6% of businesses seeing no changes in staff.**