Recently, generative AI provider Anthropic unveiled the latest system prompts for its Claude model, including versions Claude3.5Opus, Sonnet, and Haiku.

This move signifies a significant breakthrough in the AI industry, as most suppliers typically keep such system prompts confidential. Through these prompts, Anthropic has detailed the behavioral rules and specific personality traits of Claude, further advancing AI transparency.

Claude2, Anthropic, Artificial Intelligence, Chatbot Claude

Generative AI models are not like humans; they simply generate the next word in a sentence based on statistical predictions. Suppliers use system prompts to guide these models' behaviors and prevent improper operations.

However, Anthropic's decision to publicize the system prompts showcases its positioning as a more ethical and transparent AI supplier. By making these prompts public, Anthropic aims to enhance industry transparency and put pressure on other suppliers to make similar disclosures.

Alex Albert, Anthropic's Director of Developer Relations, stated in a post on X that Anthropic plans to regularly make such disclosures when updating and fine-tuning the system prompts.

The latest system prompts, dated July 12, explicitly outline behavioral restrictions for the Claude model, such as the inability to open URLs or identify faces in images.


Additionally, the prompts describe specific personality traits Anthropic wants Claude to exhibit, such as being intelligent, curious, and maintaining impartiality when discussing controversial topics. These prompts indicate Anthropic's commitment to guiding its AI models towards a more human-like and secure direction through transparent methods.