Qualcomm has officially joined the Augmented Reality (AR) Alliance, becoming the final founding member of the alliance's board. Other founding members of the AR Alliance include STMicroelectronics, META, Essilor Luxottica, Corning, Dispelix, Optofidelity, MICROOLED, and Google.

Qualcomm Snapdragon

This alliance aims to provide a platform for various organizations to collaborate on the development of augmented reality hardware, focusing on creating AR wearable devices and other products that enhance user experience.

Bharath Rajagopalan, the chairman of the AR Alliance, stated in an interview that all founding members are collectively driving the development of AR technology, emphasizing the vast potential of AR and the ample room for collaboration. He also noted that the AR Alliance is a place where practical work can be done, with the goal of unifying and advancing the global AR supply chain's progress and innovation. Qualcomm's addition undoubtedly brings significant support to this hardware ecosystem, with their platform capabilities for application development and extensive industry experience adding considerable weight to the alliance.

Moreover, Qualcomm has partnered with culinary tech company Kittch to launch an AR glasses product that teaches users how to cook. This product made its debut at the 2023 Augmented Reality World Expo, integrating AR technology with Kittch's existing cooking application using Qualcomm's Snapdragon platform, providing users with a more intuitive and interactive cooking experience.

It is also worth mentioning that Qualcomm was selected by META as the chip supplier for its virtual reality headsets in 2022, indicating that Qualcomm's technological prowess in the fields of virtual reality and augmented reality has been recognized by the industry. META's consumer-grade VR headsets (formerly known as Oculus) also use Qualcomm processors, with the Quest headset featuring Qualcomm's Snapdragon XR2 chip.

Qualcomm's joining not only injects new vitality into the AR Alliance but also opens up new possibilities for the future development of augmented reality technology. We look forward to seeing how these industry giants will collaborate to advance the progress of AR technology.

Key Points:

🌟 Qualcomm joins the AR Alliance as the final founding member, promoting AR hardware development.  

🤝 Founding members of the AR Alliance include META, Google, etc., dedicated to enhancing user experience.  

👓 Qualcomm partners with Kittch to launch AR glasses for cooking instruction.