In the rapidly advancing world of AI technology, ByteDance's open-source initiatives have once again captured the industry's attention. FLUX Dev's Hyper SD Lora, with its efficient image generation capabilities, has propelled AI drawing into a new era of speed.

Traditional AI drawing processes often involve numerous steps and are time-consuming. However, the introduction of Hyper SD Lora, with its streamlined 8-step or 16-step operation process, significantly reduces image generation time, making creative realization much quicker.


To allow more people to experience the magical effects of Hyper SD Lora, ByteDance has set up a demonstration space on Huggingface. Here, users can directly感受 the drawing effects of FLUX's 8-step Lora and witness the leap in AI drawing technology.

Although the 8-step model shows some compromise in effect compared to the original version, this compromise is acceptable in practical applications. For most users, this compromise does not significantly affect the final visual outcome.

On Reddit, a blogger drew a caterpillar using both Hyper SD Lora and the original version. Without zooming in, the differences between the two are not apparent. Zooming in reveals that the quality of Hyper SD Lora's drawing is slightly inferior.


Prompt: A 3D scene of a frowning upright caterpillar walking along the stem of a leaf, of a large foreboding tree in a vast jungle, holding a shovel and wearing a backpack. A water canteen is tied to his tool belt. His talk bubble reads "Butterfly my ass!"

ByteDance's open-source release of FLUX Dev's Hyper SD Lora is not only a significant contribution to AI drawing technology but also a major empowerment for creative workers. Despite the compromise in image quality, the speed enhancement it brings will undoubtedly usher in a new revolution in the field of AI drawing.

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