The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF), a U.S.-based nonprofit technology think tank, recently released an in-depth investigative report titled "How Innovative is China in the AI Field?" This comprehensive assessment evaluates China's current development in the artificial intelligence sector and compares it with the United States. The report serves as a report card for China's AI sector, showcasing its capabilities from multiple dimensions.

The report highlights that China has become the global leader in AI research publications, competing head-to-head with the United States in generative AI. China leads the world in the number of generative AI innovation papers and holds a commanding lead in patents. In terms of talent cultivation, Tsinghua University is considered a nurturing ground for China's leading AI startups. China not only leads in cultivating top AI talents but also sees outstanding researchers preferring to stay and develop domestically, injecting continuous momentum into the local AI industry.


In terms of technological prowess, China's large models are rapidly narrowing the performance gap with the United States. On Chinese comprehensive benchmark platforms, China's open-source models perform exceptionally well, leading the field. Although the investment environment lags slightly behind the U.S., with fewer AI investments by Chinese private enterprises, foreign investments are on the rise. Notably, state-guided capital funds and fiscal support provide robust backing for private enterprises, propelling the vigorous development of China's AI industry.

The rapid development of China's open-source large model ecosystem is particularly striking, showcasing strong innovative vitality. ITIF believes that China is the only country capable of challenging the U.S. hegemony in generative AI. The report bluntly states that China has a plethora of innovative research institutions, and surpassing the U.S. is just a matter of time.

In response to China's rapid growth in AI capabilities, ITIF advises U.S. policymakers to formulate and fund a national AI strategy, rather than simply containing China. This report undoubtedly provides a new perspective on the global AI competition landscape and paints a clear picture of the development trends in the AI field between China and the U.S., revealing China's comprehensive progress and immense potential in AI.

Report link: