Recently, renowned actor Tom Hanks issued an important warning on social media. He urged everyone to be cautious of advertisements using his image, stating that these ads are "fraudulent and created using artificial intelligence."

Robot Artificial Intelligence AI (3)

Image source note: The image was generated by AI, provided by the image licensing service Midjourney

On his Instagram page, Hanks wrote: "There are multiple ads online falsely using my name, image, and voice to promote so-called miraculous therapies and wonder drugs."

Hanks emphasized that he has no association with these ads or the products they promote, nor has he participated in them. He specifically mentioned that he has diabetes and has been working with certified doctors for professional treatment. He hopes everyone understands that genuine medical advice should come from professionals, not these fake ads online.

"Do not be deceived. Do not fall for the scam. Do not lose your hard-earned money," Hanks bluntly advised, urging everyone to be vigilant. This statement also brings to mind other celebrities such as Drake, The Weeknd, and Taylor Swift, who have also experienced similar situations where their names and images were wrongly used in AI-generated images, songs, political propaganda, or ads.

Currently, many state and federal legislators are pushing for stronger protections against the misuse of personal identities in the digital age. Recently, Tennessee passed a law aimed at protecting individuals from unauthorized use of their images or voices. This law, known as the "Ensure Image Voice and Image Safety Act," officially took effect last month.

In today's rapidly digitizing world, the safety of celebrities' and public figures' images has become increasingly important. Tom Hanks' warning is not only about personal identity protection but also draws societal attention to this phenomenon, calling for a collective effort to resist these illegal activities.

Key Points:

🌐 Tom Hanks warns the public on social media about ads falsely using his image and voice.

💊 Hanks clearly states he has no connection with these ads or the products they promote, and genuine medical advice should be provided by professional doctors.

🛡️ Tennessee's new law protects personal images and voices, urging everyone to be vigilant and prevent identity misuse.