Recently, the International Data Corporation (IDC) released a new report specifically analyzing the competitiveness of the domestic mobile large-model application market. This report focuses on the performance of generative AI in the personal consumer market.

The report evaluated the eight most popular mobile Chatbot applications on the market, including Baidu's Ernie Bot, Kimi Smart Assistant, Doubao, Heluo AI, Tiangong, Xunfei Spark, and Zhipu Qingyan. IDC used four dimensions—market influence, user activity, user stickiness, and user experience—for a comprehensive assessment. The assessment shows that the competition among smart assistant applications was fierce in the first half of 2024, with Baidu's Ernie Bot excelling in multiple aspects, becoming a market leader.


Evaluation Results for the First Half of 2024

Additionally, Tian'gong from Kunlun Wanwei received high user recognition due to its rich features and good integration with search engines, but it still needs to improve user activity. ByteDance's Doubao performed well in market influence and user activity, but due to its entertainment-oriented positioning, users have higher requirements for the experience.

It is worth noting that although the download volumes and user activity of some applications are low, the market is undergoing a rapid reshuffle process, with new opportunities and challenges constantly emerging. IDC analysts suggest that future competition will rely more on the precise focus of applications on specific user groups and the continuous attraction and retention of user traffic.