Amazon recently announced that it has hired the founders of robotics startup Covariant, Pieter Abbeel, Peter Chen, and Rocky Duan, along with approximately a quarter of the company's employees. Additionally, Amazon has signed a non-exclusive licensing agreement to use Covariant's foundational robot models. This move signifies another strategic deployment by Amazon in the fields of artificial intelligence and robotics.

Robot Factory

Covariant is a startup dedicated to developing AI models for robots, initially focusing on the application of robotic arms in warehouses, such as common tasks like picking boxes. Joseph Quinlivan, Vice President of Amazon Logistics Technology and Robotics, stated that the collaboration with Covariant will advance Amazon's foundational research in AI and robotics technology, embedding these technologies into the existing robot fleet to create greater practical value for customers.

This deal is similar to Amazon's previous hiring of the founder of AI startup Adept, indicating Amazon's strategy of acquiring new technologies through talent acquisition and technology licensing, rather than fully acquiring startups. Such "reverse acquisition" strategies are considered a way for tech giants to circumvent antitrust reviews.

Meanwhile, Covariant announced that the company will continue to operate under the leadership of Ted Stinson and Zhang Tianhao, with Stinson taking the role of CEO. Covariant reiterated its commitment to introducing the Covariant Brain into production environments across multiple industries worldwide, including apparel, health and beauty, groceries, and pharmaceuticals.