On August 29, 2024, at the 2024 China Internet Civilization Conference held in Chengdu, the "Generative Artificial Intelligence Industry Self-Regulation Initiative" was officially launched. This initiative, spearheaded by the Artificial Intelligence Security Governance Committee of the China Cyberspace Security Association in collaboration with related industries, academic institutions, and research entities, aims to address the risks and challenges posed by the rapid development of generative AI technologies.

The initiative encompasses five core elements:

  1. **Data and Algorithm Model Security Compliance**: Emphasizes strict adherence to laws and regulations, lawful collection and use of data, ensuring clarity in data sources and usage, and preventing data breaches and misuse.

  2. **Content Ecosystem Construction**: Encourages the generation of positive, beneficial, and creative content, maintaining a healthy online environment, preventing the creation of vulgar and violent content, and enhancing intellectual property protection.

  3. **Technological Innovation and Quality Improvement**: Calls for increased investment in the research and development of generative AI technologies, enhancing their safety and reliability, and establishing comprehensive quality assessment and oversight mechanisms.

  4. **Ethical and Moral Standards**: Values human dignity and freedom, prevents technological applications from infringing on privacy, and ensures that generated content aligns with societal values and ethical standards.

  5. **Communication, Cooperation, and Open Co-Construction**: Promotes collaboration among academia, businesses, and government, fostering shared industry development and technological sharing.

Representatives of participating organizations stated that implementing this initiative is not only a solemn commitment to society but also an intrinsic need for industry development. The head of the China Cyberspace Security Association pointed out that the release of this initiative will help promote industry entities to take on their main responsibilities, enhance social cooperation, and create greater value for the healthy development of the AI industry.

Details: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ZbjqWyoPZ0VMxz03bg4k4A?scene=21#wechat_redirect