Yesterday, ComfyUI welcomed the brand-new 0.2.0 version, which brings significant functional upgrades and innovative features, revolutionizing the design workflow for designers.

Highlights of the latest version include:

Introduction of Flux ControlNets technology: With the Canny and Union control nets released by InstantX, ComfyUI 0.2.0 now offers more refined image processing capabilities, providing designers with more powerful creative tools.


View example workflows here:

Enhanced queue management features: The new version has made significant improvements in queue management, including the "Go-to Node" quick positioning feature, "Contain" image display options, and task output folder view, greatly enhancing work efficiency.

Go-to Node feature: Easily navigate to the node of the generated image by clicking on the node name link or using the context menu.


"Contain" image display option: Now you can view the full image when the aspect ratio is not 1:1, giving you a more comprehensive view of your creation.


Task output folder view: We have implemented a new task output folder view, allowing users to view all outputs generated by a single task. You can access the folder view by clicking the number button.

Significant enhancement of the node library features: ComfyUI 0.2.0 has added bookmarking functionality, recursive expand/collapse, enhanced search filters, and more to the node library, making it easier for designers to manage and access the required node resources.

Bookmarking feature: Save time by bookmarking your favorite nodes in the library for quick access, and organize bookmarked nodes effectively using a dedicated custom bookmarks folder.

Recursive expand/collapse: Use Ctrl + click to recursively expand or collapse folders in the node library, making navigation faster and more intuitive.

Enhanced search filters: Find the nodes you need more easily with our new, powerful search filters.

Comprehensive optimization of the user experience: The new version has been optimized for the user experience in various aspects, such as double-clicking the node title for direct editing, grouping selected nodes, and more, greatly simplifying the design process.

Double-click node title editing: Simplify the node customization process by editing immediately upon double-clicking the node title.

Grouping selected nodes: Organize your workflow more effectively by grouping selected nodes with the simple Ctrl + G command.

In terms of error handling and feedback, the upgraded execution error dialog also provides a one-click issue search function, making problem diagnosis and repair more efficient.

The upgrade to ComfyUI 0.2.0 represents a significant breakthrough in the design software field, bringing unprecedented work efficiency and creative inspiration to designers. With the continuous improvement of the team, this tool is expected to continue its innovative and influential role in the future.

Videos and images from the official announcement: