If you haven't yet learned AI skills, the annual Work Trend Index report released by Microsoft and LinkedIn in 2024 might give you some stress.

This study surveyed 31,000 people from 31 countries, revealing that employers' hiring preferences are changing: more and more companies are looking for candidates with AI skills, rather than those with extensive industry experience.


Data shows that as many as 71% of business executives say they prefer to hire job seekers with AI capabilities. This is undoubtedly an opportunity for young people just starting out or in the early stages of their careers, but for those who have been in the workforce for many years, it could be somewhat risky.

However, while everyone is pursuing AI skills, only 25% of employers plan to provide generative AI training this year. Many knowledge workers have already started to actively enhance their skills.

The survey shows that only 39% of users have received AI training provided by their companies, while 75% of knowledge workers are already using AI tools at work to save time, enhance creativity, and focus on the most important tasks. Additionally, 78% of AI users also said they bring their own tools to work, a significant proportion.

Although 79% of leaders believe that using AI is crucial for maintaining competitiveness, 59% are worried about how to measure the productivity gains brought by AI, and 60% think that companies do not have a clear vision or plan to implement this technology. Microsoft's CEO, Satya Nadella, said that AI is enabling everyone to make better decisions and collaborate at work.

Considering the current workplace environment, if you're thinking about changing jobs, you're not alone. The survey shows that 46% of professionals are considering resigning, with this figure reaching 85% in the US. Meanwhile, 45% are worried that AI will replace their jobs. Notably, some tech company CEOs also advise programmers to enhance their skills to cope with potential job changes brought about by AI.

As AI continues to reshape the workplace, professionals looking to gain a competitive edge in the future must take the initiative to learn and adapt. This is an undeniable trend, and each of us must be prepared to face new challenges at all times.

Key points:

📈71% of executives prefer to hire candidates with AI skills over those with experience.

💻 Only 25% of companies plan to provide AI training, but 75% of knowledge workers are already self-teaching and using AI tools.

🔄46% of employees are considering resigning, with many worried about AI impacting their jobs.