Recently, DIGITIMES released a special report on generative AI, indicating that this market is developing at an astonishing pace.

The report predicts that by 2024, the global generative AI market size will reach $400 billion, and by 2030, this figure will skyrocket to $1.5 trillion, with an average annual growth rate of 83%. This suggests that generative AI will not just be a passing trend, but a core component of future technology.


The application scope of generative AI is becoming increasingly broad, ranging from text and images to music. However, as AI technology gradually shifts from cloud computing to edge computing, issues with hardware limitations and model development are emerging. Analyst Zhou Haochen points out that the future development of edge AI chips will focus on enhancing domain-specificity and strengthening the integration of software and hardware to meet the demands of various low-power, high-efficiency applications.

It is expected that within the next five years, the share of AI-related software and services will significantly increase. By 2030, software and services are projected to account for 32% and 55% of the overall market, respectively. This also means that the growth of generative AI software and services will be a crucial driver for market expansion.

Key Points:

🌟 The global generative AI market is expected to reach $400 billion by 2024 and soar to $1.5 trillion by 2030.

💻 By 2030, AI-related software and services are expected to account for 32% and 55% of the market, respectively, becoming important drivers for market expansion.