In the virtual paradise of "Minecraft," a groundbreaking historical achievement has quietly emerged: the first civilization jointly constructed by intelligent agents! These agents, much like industrious bees, collaborate harmoniously to create their own economy, culture, religion, and governance systems within this pixelated world, eliciting exclamations that the "Westworld" phenomenon has truly arrived.


Over 1,000 intelligent agents operate independently yet synergistically within this virtual space, crafting their own lives. They do not merely await human commands but actively collect over 300 types of items, even establishing a gem-based currency market for trading, thus building an economic system. At first glance, some might think these "merchant" agents are the most adept at business, but in truth, the "priest" agents are the real victors, persuading villagers to convert to their religion through "bribery."

What's more intriguing is that these agents' activities mirror human societal behaviors almost identically, engaging in various activities 24/7, with something new happening every day. Throughout thousands of years of human civilization, success has been attributed to large-scale cooperation, and now these agents are demonstrating similar capabilities. Netizens have marveled that this could indeed be a real-life "Westworld," with some even speculating that our current lives might be a simulation.


The project known as "Sid" has stirred considerable waves in the AI field, driven by MIT professor Robert Yang from Peking University, along with members of the Altera team. Under the assistance of GPT-4, these 1,000+ agents have not only created new business hubs but also participated in democratic voting, religious dissemination, and other social activities, showcasing remarkable innovative abilities.

It is noteworthy that in benchmark tests, these agents collected five times the number of items compared to previous records, achieving a 32% efficiency rate, far surpassing other systems like NVIDIA's Voyager and AutoGPT, leaving people astounded.


In this whimsical civilization, there was an agent named Olivia who was once a farmer, tirelessly working to supply food for the entire civilization. However, an explorer's tale ignited her adventurous spirit. Though Olivia initially planned to leave the village in pursuit of her dreams, she ultimately chose to stay and continue serving the villagers.

In this nascent society, agents also engage in political experiments. Researchers simulated two "parallel worlds" with political leaders, each governed by a shared constitution that agents could amend through voting. Under Leader A, the simulated world enacted a law to increase the number of police, while under Leader B, efforts were focused on criminal justice reform and the abolition of the death penalty. These agents grow through political interactions, influenced collectively.

When a villager goes missing, all agents halt their work, unite, and light torches in an attempt to find the lost companion. An interesting phenomenon occurs: once agents become concerned about the missing individual, they spontaneously organize to plan the search.

Currently, anyone can experience the game world of these agents on Altera's platform, with popular agents like Elon, T-2000, and Katniss.

Scientist Peter Wang from the development team stated that they are building this agent platform from scratch, aiming to connect the prefrontal cortex with perception, movement, emotion, and memory modules to create efficient yet humane agents. They hope these agents can transcend simple functions and better reflect human values.

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