Recently, a Reddit user shared on the forum the results of using OpenAI's latest model, OpenAI o1, to solve high school math problems, and to everyone's surprise, all answers were correct.


@FitAirline8359 stated that he used past senior math final exam questions from Chinese universities and submitted these problems to OpenAI's latest version, o1. Unexpectedly, within just 20 minutes, OpenAI o1 answered all questions correctly. This outcome left him in shock and sparked considerable attention and discussion among netizens.

The user mentioned in his post that he has always been curious about the capabilities of artificial intelligence. To test the AI's mathematical proficiency, he collected several past math exam papers from Chinese high schools.

First, he uploaded the images of the exam questions to GPT4O for it to read the files, and then had OpenAI o1 solve the problems one by one.



What surprised him was that the AI not only quickly understood the questions but also accurately provided the solutions. Upon reviewing all the questions, he found not a single one was incorrect. This result seems to demonstrate the formidable capability of OpenAI o1 in handling complex mathematical problems.

Many netizens expressed their views in the comment section, with some marveling at the advancements in technology, while others raised questions about the future development of AI. Discussions on the application prospects of AI flourished, with some believing that such capabilities will have a significant impact in the field of education, offering students more intelligent learning assistance.