At the opening ceremony of the 2024 Yunqi Conference, Giant Network made its debut and showcased its latest achievements in the "gaming + AI" field. The company introduced two self-developed large-scale applications—GiantGPT and BaiLing-TTS, and demonstrated new technologies such as AI digital humans and the AI painting platform Giant Mimicry.

GiantGPT is a vertical large model focused on gaming business, which combines high-quality proprietary data with internet public data for training, and has been deeply optimized for foundational capabilities like role-playing, situational reasoning, and long-term memory. BaiLing-TTS, on the other hand, is a speech large model that supports a mix of various Mandarin dialects and can generate voices in multiple dialects including Henan dialect, Shanghainese, and Cantonese.

Giant Network

The Giant Network AI Lab also unveiled a new brand logo, symbolizing the company's exploration and development prospects in the "gaming + AI" field. The Giant Mimicry AI painting platform opened for internal testing applications at the conference, serving as a one-stop cloud-based AI painting platform that supports team collaboration and batch processing of artistic content.

Additionally, Giant Network demonstrated high-precision real-time interactive digital human technology, where these AI digital humans not only closely resemble real humans in appearance and voice but can also respond to user dialogues in real time, providing a realistic human-machine interaction experience. The company stated that it will continue to deeply cultivate the "gaming + AI" field, creating new gaming experiences for users.