Recently, the United Nations released a highly anticipated report proposing the establishment of a global artificial intelligence fund aimed at helping developing countries access the benefits of technological advancements. This proposal has garnered support from the UN Secretary-General's high-level advisory body on artificial intelligence, calling on governments and private enterprises worldwide to jointly fund initiatives that assist countries unable to invest independently in AI.

Meeting Discussion Debate

Image Source Note: The image was generated by AI, provided by the image licensing service Midjourney

One of the main spokespersons for the report, Wendy Hall, a computer science professor at the University of Southampton, pointed out that Western countries must avoid repeating the mistakes made with climate change when developing new technologies. Hall emphasized that without intervention, wealthy countries will continue to lead in the AI race, leaving many developing countries behind and unable to benefit from technological advancements. She stated, "We must act on this issue, or we risk repeating the scenario of climate change, leading to the underdevelopment of global southern countries."

According to the report's recommendations, this global AI fund will not only provide advanced AI models and computational capabilities but also establish relevant training programs to help developing countries achieve the UN's sustainable development goals. These goals include eradicating poverty and improving education quality. Hall and her team believe that providing these resources will help more countries integrate into the global wave of technological development.

The report also highlights the current lack of an effective global governance framework to manage artificial intelligence. Without such a framework, AI technologies could be imposed on countries without their involvement in decision-making. Therefore, establishing an international scientific panel is necessary to regularly issue annual reports on the capabilities, opportunities, risks, and uncertainties of AI, which will help enhance global understanding and management of the technology.

Last year, several AI companies and some countries agreed to sign a voluntary agreement to test the most powerful AI models. Additionally, the UK signed an international treaty this month aimed at preventing the misuse of AI technology. The report emphasizes that governance should not be limited to a few technology developers or countries but should be promoted through platforms like the UN, facilitating dialogue among nations to seek consensus on AI management.

Key Points:

🌐 The UN proposes establishing a global AI fund to support developing countries in accessing technological resources.

🤝 The fund will provide AI models, computational capabilities, and training programs to aid in achieving sustainable development goals.

⚖️ Emphasis on the need to establish a global governance framework to prevent technology monopolization by a few countries or companies.