Recently, at the opening ceremony of the 2024 Yunqi Conference, Yang Zhilin, founder of Moon's Dark Side Kimi, discussed the impact of generative AI technology on the development of AI application products. He pointed out that the current advancements in AI technology offer new exploration opportunities for product managers. The key lies in finding the balance between latency and enhancing user experience, ensuring that the incremental value outweighs the loss in experience.

Yang Zhilin believes that generating answers with generative AI requires systematic thinking, which leads to increased latency and may result in a poor user experience. However, longer thinking can indeed provide better outputs, achieve better results, and even accomplish more complex tasks. Yang Zhilin considers this an important advantage for higher-value products, especially in productivity scenarios.

Additionally, Yang Zhilin believes that AI products will undergo some changes in form. He stated that current AI product forms are similar to instant messaging, but in the future, they may not only be this form. They could also involve thinking or invoking various tools to execute tasks at the minute, hour, or even daily level.

Yang Zhilin mentioned that AI products may become more human-like, closer to the concept of a personal life assistant, helping to complete asynchronous tasks. This will bring about new designs in product forms, potentially leading to significant changes. Yang Zhilin thinks that the design of product forms may also undergo significant changes, suggesting a vast new realm of imagination.