As the tide of technology sweeps across the globe, generative AI has undoubtedly become the focal point. However, Wu Yongming of Alibaba has offered a more profound insight: the true value of generative AI lies not merely in creating dazzling applications, but in fundamentally changing the way we interact with the physical world.

Wu Yongming astutely points out that when facing a new technological revolution, people often fall into the trap of "overestimating the short-term and underestimating the long-term." This phenomenon is particularly evident in the current fervor over generative AI. The public generally focuses on what immediate effects AI can bring in the short term, but tends to overlook the profound impacts that technology may have in the long term.

Metaverse: The City of the Future (1)

Image source note: The image was generated by AI, authorized by the service provider Midjourney

In fact, the fundamental changes brought about by technology often require time to accumulate. Like seeds growing silently underground, the true transformative power is quietly incubating over time, until one day it breaks through the surface, showcasing astonishing vitality.

Wu Yongming believes that the core charm of generative AI lies in its potential to reshape the way humans interact with the world. In the future, we may no longer be limited to interacting with programs through screens, but could use this intelligent technology to directly engage in dialogue with the physical world, creating unprecedented experiences and possibilities.

This perspective paints a grand vision for generative AI. It is not just a series of attention-grabbing applications, but a subtle transformative force. Over time, this technology will permeate every aspect of our lives like the spring rain, fundamentally changing our relationship with the world around us.

Wu Yongming's insight reminds us that when evaluating new technologies, we need to maintain a long-term perspective. Although generative AI may not immediately demonstrate disruptive power in the short term, its long-term influence should not be underestimated. We should approach the infinite possibilities brought by this technology with a more open and patient attitude.